The Topsfield Town Library has the following maps available for viewing at the Library.
Essex County
Taken from D.G. Beers. Atlas of Essex County, Massachusetts: from actual survey and official records.
Description: 1 map ; 40 x 51 cm on sheet 46 x 61 cm.
D.G. Beers & Co, 1872
Location: At the Reference Desk. Please ask a librarian.
FIRM (Flood Insurance Rate Map) Town of Topsfield, Massachusetts Essex County
2 panels: 64 x 85 cm on sheet 66 x 96 cm.
Federal Emergency Management Agency, June 2, 1994
Location: At the Reference Desk. Please ask a librarian.
Current maps can be viewed online (see below)
Part of Topsfield in 1700... 1750... and 1800
Three plates found in The Historical Collections of the Topsfield Historical Society, vol. XXIX (1928). This volume can also be viewed online (plates follow page 48).
Taken from D.G. Beers. Atlas of Essex County, Massachusetts: from actual survey and official records.
Notes: Includes illus. and index to points of interest; Includes Topsfield subscribers business directory.
Description: 1 map ; 36 x 44 cm on sheet 46 x 62 cm.
D.G. Beers & Co, 1872
Location: At the Reference Desk. Please ask a librarian.
This map can be viewed online at the Digital Commonwealth.
Topsfield ; An historic map of the town of Topsfield or Shenewemedy 1650-1950
by John T. Northey
Description: 1 map ; 41 x 63 cm on sheet 47 x 63 cm.
[Topsfield, Mass.] : Topsfield Business Council, [1989?]
Location: At Reference Desk, and copy in Vertical File
This map can be viewed online at the Digital Commonwealth.
Image: Insert from 1872 D.G. Beers map of Topsfield
External Links - online maps of Topsfield
Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs): FEMA Flood Map Service Center. Use the Search by Address feature.
GIS Tax / Assessors Database Maps: AXIS GIS. Zoom in to view specific properties.
Map showing land of Zaccheus Gould in Topsfield, and house of other early settlers.
From: The Family of Zaccheus Gould of Topsfield / Benjamin Apthorp Gould, 1895. Accessed online 6/25/2018 at: Dixie Hansen's Family History Collection website.
TopoView: Current and historic USGS topographic maps. Click on "View and Download," then click anywhere on the map to open up a search screen.
Zoning, Soils & Scenic Roads Maps: See various links on the Town of Topsfield's website.
Maps at Other Libraries
Collection of hand-drawn maps of Essex County towns, based on surveys ordered by the Massachusetts General Court in June, 1794 includes names of surveyors : photocopied from originals in the Massachusetts Archives.
[includes Topsfield]
Held by the Phillips Library of the Peabody Essex Museum.
Lord's indexed street atlas of Essex County (1948, 1955, 1964, 1972, 1978, 1982)
Held by various
MVLC libraries.
Atlas of Essex County, Massachusetts : compiled from recent and actual surveys and records under the direction of the publishers. Boston : Geo. H. Walker & Co., 1884.
Held by the Phillips Library of the Peabody Essex Museum.
Plan of the town of Topsfield, County of Essex, state of Massachuts. by Philander Anderson, c1930.
Held by the
Phillips Library of the Peabody Essex Museum.
Topsfield Times: A Community and Local History Resource
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