
Veterans Memorial Green

Page history last edited by abrandenburg@mvlc.org 7 years, 7 months ago

Veterans Memorial Green

Veterans Memorial Green is a triangular park bordered by Main, High, and South Common Streets in downtown Topsfield, MA.  Landmarks surrounding the park are the Topsfield Town Library, Proctor Elementary School, Town Hall, and the Town Common.  A project of the Topsfield Main Street Foundation, the park was dedicated and named on Nov. 7, 2009, and has since been the site of the town’s Memorial Day ceremonies.  


Located on the park grounds are the following monuments:

- Stone “in proud memory of the men and women of Topsfield who served their country in the world wars
- Stone honoring the “Patriots who served during the American Revolution, 1775-1783”
- The “Wounded Color Sergeant”, sculpture by Alice Ruggle Kitson, honoring the men who served in the Civil War
- Large stone honoring “the men and women of Topsfield who helped restore peace to a world at war, 1914-1919
-Stone honoring “those who served in the Korean War 25 June 1950 – 27 July 1953, in particular to PFC John Anthony Stelline, killed in action on Heartbreak Ridge”
- Stone honoring First Lieutenant John “Jack’’ David Lawson, who was the only Topsfield resident killed in the Vietnam War


Further reading

Stucka, Mike. "Topsfield moves ahead on veterans monument park."  Salem News (2008, Nov. 28).
Accessed online May 10, 2016 at: http://www.salemnews.com/archives/topsfield-moves-ahead-on-veterans-monument-park/article_dd6cb8ef-209d-5794-837f-2295807379db.html

Castello, Caitlin. “4 decades later, Topsfield pays tribute to war hero.”  Boston Globe (2009, Nov. 8). 
Accessed online Apr. 11, 2016 at:

"Korean War memorial - Monument dedicated in Topsfield - Fallen soldier’s family attended ceremony."  Tri-Town Transcript (2013, May 31), p. 1.





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