
Nike Village

Page history last edited by abrandenburg@mvlc.org 6 years, 5 months ago

Nike Village - Google MapsNike Village is a street in Topsfield, also known as Ray (Rea) Farm Road, located off US Route 1 near the Danvers town line.  Nike Village also refers to the complex of buildings located on the street, which is currently (as of August 2016) operated by Victory Programs, a non-profit housing provider. 

Nike Villlage is named for the former Nike Missile launcher site at the end of the road, which was built in the mid-1950’s.  The housing units were originally built for officers based at the site, which was active until 1974, and had its control center nearby in Danvers (B-05).  The property was then used by the Army Reserve from 1976-1990, and since then has been leased by various social service agencies.

In the late 1700s, a farm owned by Israel Rea was at this location along Boston Street (Route 1).  Rea’s home was later occupied by Thomas W. Peirce, Jr., until it was destroyed by fire in 1909.


References / Further Reading:


Bond, C. L. (1989). Houses and Buildings of Topsfield, Massachusetts: An Up-date of "The Houses and Buildings of Topsfield, Massachusetts 1902" by J. H. Towne. (page 18: #44 Boston Street).   View record in the library catalog; read online at the Internet Archive


Laidler, John. “Officials hail Nike Village renovation.”  Boston Globe.  Accessed online 8/9/2016 at:


"Nike Village - History." Topsfield Town Library Vertical File.

"Topsfield housing program acquired by new owner."  Accessed online 8/9/2016 at:


External links:


Nike sites of Boston: Danvers B-05.  Accessed online 8/9/2016 at:


Victory Programs: Our Housing Programs.  Accessed online 8/9/2016 at:


Topsfield Times: A Community and Local History Resource


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